Out of the Mouth of Babes

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Shelby Miller is (pretty much) a stay-at-home mama to her two and a half-year-old son. She’s an instructor at Funkytown Fitness (also participating at Made in STA!) so that takes up a couple of hours each day. The rest of the time she gets to be with her son, which is what she always wanted when she became a mom. But yet, she knew she needed more.

She wanted something she could do from home and on “her” time. Last April, a friend texted her and said, “Hey, I know you’re creative… what’s a handmade baby shower gift I can make?” Shelby was on it.

She loves this kind of stuff – second to her love of searching Pinterest. Teething rings and toys popped up when she searched “handmade” but she didn’t like any of the styles she found. Plus, as an experienced mom she had safety concerns in the back of her mind. (When her son was six months old he broke a teething bracelet that had been gifted to Shelby.)

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