Whitney Lab and Sea Turtle Hospital provide Lifelong Learning Opportunities


The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience is a biomedical and biotechnology research institute of the University of Florida, located on the border of St. Johns and Flagler Counties in St. Augustine, Florida.

Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney and UF’s Medical School leadership founded the Lab in 1974. It is composed of nine different internal labs that use marine organisms for basic biological research that can be applied to human health, natural resources and the environment.

Not only a center for rigorous marine research, Whitney is well-regarded for providing the community lifelong learning opportunities. The lab provides training for future experimental biologists, education programs for Kindergarten through university-level students and monthly lectures for the general public.

It also features The Sea Turtle Hospital, which promotes ocean awareness and conservation through sea turtle rehabilitation, research and education.

The goal of the Whitney Lab’s K-12 outreach education programs is to use the Lab’s resources and expertise in modern biology to enrich science education in the surrounding communities and increase STEM education for local student learners. At the elementary school level, our programs introduce younger students to the scientific method, and do so in a format that promotes observation and questioning. At the higher level we provide high school students with the resources to conduct an experiment using modern biotechnology.

Whitney Laboratory is located at 9505 Ocean Shore Blvd., St. Augustine, on the border of Flagler and St. Johns counties. To learn more about Whitney Laboratory, visit whitney.ufl.edu or call 904-461-4000.You can also learn more about The Whitney Lab and The Sea Turtle Hospital when you visit their educational booth at Made in St. Augustine.